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18 avril 2012

One coffee, one script !

J'ai le plaisir de vous inviter à me rejoindre sur mon nouveau site ! J'aimais bien le fouillis chaleureux de ce blog, qui restera en ligne, mais j'ai eu envie d'offrir aux auteurs et passionnés de cinéma et d'histoires un espace...
4 janvier 2012

The art of reading

The screenwriting litterature is abundant in saying all screnwriters should hone their craft by reading and writing.And this of course, every single day of a somehow strange life. Write every day for sure. Read every day : fiction books, newspaper, scripts,...
19 février 2011

Scope, descent, elevation : the symbolism of spaces

It's been a long time since I wanted to post a note about this. I wanted it to be perfect, full of meaning and precise. But as you know, perfection means never, in a writer's language. As a great master once stated « There is no try. DO. Or do not » Yoda...